1.Install the tools
Download ' ARM GNU TOOLS' from here : http://wiki.xilinx.com/zynq-tools
In 64-bit enviroment, some extra packages are needed: apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk
Go ahead! Just sudo ./xilinx-2011.09-50-arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi.bin
Set a proper install path and Enter all others with y(yes)!
Edit your bashrc: vi ~/.bashrc
Add the fllowing two lines at the end:
#For arm Xilinx tools
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-
export PATH=$PATH:(the install_path you select just now)/bin/
2.Power the board
Maybe you can't help powering on the board!
Please insert the SD card,in which there is the image from xilinx ,into the ZED board,and ensure that the jumpers are set as follows:
MIO 6: set to GND
MIO 5: set to 3V3
MIO 4: set to 3V3
MIO 3: set to GND
MIO 2: set to GND
VADJ Select: Set to 1V8
JP6: shorted
JP2: shorted
All other jumpers should be left unshorted.
Ok! power on!
3.Connect the board to your PC
The ZedBoard has a on-board USB2UART, CY7C64225 from Cypress Co, with which ZED communicat with your PC through a mini-USB cable. So just follow the document <CY7C64225_Setup_Guide>.
4.Hello zed!!!
Edit your 'hello zed' in C and compile it, just like this:
arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-gcc -o hello hello.c
A good news is that you can transfer your hello to ZED with FTP but not the stupid tftp.
Ensure that 'ping' works well on your PC at first.
>put hello
The 'hello' is transfered to the root dir on ZED!
move it to usr: mv hello /usr/
make it executable: chmod +x hello
run it: ./hello
and then, I get this pic~
a nice day~
I'll update all doc.&file mentioned above later.